Knowing what can Bearded Dragon eat is a crucial aspect of their function as an owner. The correct food may have a significant influence on the general health and happiness of pet reptiles. Bearded dragons are known for having a lot of food! As bug-hungry newborns, they can eat from the house and home.

When they become older, they require less protein to grow and more veggies packed with nutrition to maintain their health. Like every dragon, the bearded dragon has its favorite and least-loved meal. (can bearded dragon eat) 

If one item does not work, try something different. Everything is a part of the enjoyment!

Finding the ultimate diet of the Bearded dragons with so many meals to choose from might at first seems a daunting task. We worked out this article to assist you in comprehending the proper meals that you can feed to your Bearded dragon, as well as the foods to avoid feeding.

Bearded dragons are interesting food lovers and adore their diet for diversity. However, what can a bearded dragon consume and what should be avoided is an important question. In this article, you will discover numerous foods which your bearded dragon could consume and the things that should be avoided.

What Can Bearded Dragon Eat?

Bearded Dragons can consume a comprehensive variety of live food, including crickets, caterpillars, and Kingworms. Bearded dragons consume sweet potatoes, pepper, and leafy greens like kale and parsley for veggies. They can consume modest quantities of fruit as well.

Bearded dragons mostly eat animals, making up approximately 75% of their diet. You can include cockroaches, crickets, worms, and even small animals like mice. The remaining 25% of their diet is greens, vegetables, and reduced fruits.

Bearded Dragon Diet

Your Bearded Dragon’s diet should match what it is consuming in the wild. Consider including meat, vegetables, fruit, greens, and weeds. As your Bearded Dragon becomes older, you have to lessen the amount of meat it eats because it will not do enough workouts. Excessive meat can cause obesity.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Insects (meat)?

As you can see in the picture, Bearded Dragons can eat various insects. They also eat Phoenix worms, Dubia roaches, King worms, and Butterworms.

Important Note: Please be cautious about the following insects.

Waxworms are greasy, so we recommend feeding them to geckos as a remedy.

Mealworms should be offered exclusively to adult Bearded Dragons because of their rough skin. 

Superworms are bigger mealworms, and you have to feed them only to your mature Bearded Dragon.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Fruits? Fruit List

Bearded Dragons can eat many fruits, as you see below. 

Also, Guava and Raisins.

Feed your Bearded sparingly (not daily) to avoid obesity problems. The owners should be cautious when giving soft sugar fruits as they might ferment and cause tooth problems. Soft fruits like kiwi are the most comprehensive food once a month as part of a structured diet that includes fibrous foods.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Vegetables? Vegetable List

Bearded dragons can consume a broad selection of plants, as shown in the picture.

They can also consume Broccoli (weekly slices,) Acorn, and Yellow squash.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Greens? Green list

A bearded dragon can eat greens because it is a good source of protein. The picture will show you what can Bearded Dragons eat. 

Besides, Bearded dragons can eat lamb lettuce, floret mix, spring greens, and mustard greens.

What can baby Bearded Dragons eat?

Baby bearded dragons will have to consume more insects and fewer vegetables. You can feed them up to three times daily. If you keep greens and veggies in their cage, they will stuff them anytime they like, and you may add insects every 15 Minutes (3 Times).

Baby Dragons during this period can consume more than one bug, but if they do not eat more, it is all right. Clean any insects you do not want, then a few hours later start again. As the Bearded Dragons become older, they need fewer insects or acquire fat.

Juvenile and adult Bearded Dragon diet

Feed it fruits once a week only in a small quantity. Adult Bearded dragons should eat fewer insects and fewer animals.  You have two to three times a week to feed them insects and daily vegetables.

Remember, bearded adults need not have too many insects because they will become fat. In the wild, Bearded Dragons receive many activities that naturally indicate that they can consume more meat. One of the most popular live meals is crickets.

What is the most suitable food for the Bearded Dragon?

Vital crickets are a phenomenal option since they may stimulate your Bearded dragon to pursue some workout.

You may be shocked to see how rapid they are!

When buying insects, many people consider how simple it is to keep and how much it costs. You should ensure that you also change what you buy from time to time to make sure your dragons consume various animals.

Crickets are available online and at pet stores. Save them in boxes with troughs when you get them home. They are cheap, and 1000 crickets will cost around $20 to $25. Also, popular live foods include cockroaches, crabs, and various worms.

What Bearded Dragons cannot eat?

Bearded Dragons cannot devour a couple of foods.

These include FirefliesSpinach, and Beet. 

Some sources may suggest that Beet, Spinach are suitable for your Bearded, particularly in small amounts. Both of these compounds nonetheless include calcium deficiency that can lead to the metabolism of the bone. An infrequent taste should not damage a bearded dragon; it may be wise to pick alternative greens with so many other possibilities available.

What is on the bearded dragon’s menu?


Bearded dragons should eat live insects such as worms, waxworms, and crickets as they contain calcium and protein for your gecko. Young Bearded Dragons should eat once a day while adults can only eat every 2 Days. 


So, calcium is the most significant supplement to avoid the calcium shortage metabolic bone disease. Every twice a week, sprinkle live calcium supplements in your bearded dragon’s meal.


25% of the young beardie and half of an adult’s diet should contain veggies. Kale, collard greens, mustard greens, courgettes, or shredded carrots are among the favorites.

Vitamin D3:

You may wish to pick one that also contains vitamin D3 to determine which calcium supplement is appropriate for your Bearded dragon.

Vitamin D3 would be obtained by the sun in the wild. In the home case, as a householder, you have two methods to provide Vitamin D3. The first is by installing the UVB interaction, while the second method is by food and supplements.


Mix their fruits and vegetables with clean water if your bearded dragon does not feel interested in drinking from the shallow platter of water in its habitat.

Freshwater should always be accessible in a crock that will not readily spillover. Supply Freshwater every day and ensure that the water bowl is clean; wash and disinfect every day.

Barbed dragons in the wild obtain much of the rain they require from the plants they consume and from other food; some do not recognize a dish of water. Misting vegetables that you fed to your bearded dragon is another technique of hydration. Furthermore, Bearded dragons may drink water directly from a plant and absorb it many times a week to guarantee that they are hydrated. Various species of bearded dragons may have varying dietary requirements.

What are Common Feeding Mistakes that Owners Make?

When feeding a bearded dragon, there are three frequent feeding blunders. These errors can lead to numerous health and weight problems.

Feeding Juveniles Mealworms

Feeding young mealworms might slow down their growth and prevent them from acquiring the necessary nutrients. Mealworms contain an outer shell of chitin, which young dragons cannot digest effectively. You should avoid feeding bearded dragon mealworms. When they are 18 months old, you should choose to have super worms.


Obesity is quite frequent in adult bearded dragons. They are as healthy as most reptiles and prone to obesity if you fed them several insects. No more than 20 insects a day should be received by an adult!

It is simple to overfeed accidentally, as they tend to eat as many insects as they can get their hands on. Obesity is a vital health problem because it can cause your dragon to develop heart disease and joint problems.

Not well loaded

We recommended you fill them at least one day before you feed live insects to your bearded dragon.

What are Feeders for a Baby Bearded Dragon Diet?

Baby bearded dragon diets should be high in protein, as you surely know. Your bearded dragon should eat enough of live feed.

How often should you feed the bearded dragon child?

Bearded Dragons, 0-2 months, feed them 4-5 times a day in 5-10 minutes, to consume as many insects as possible.

Beared dragons of 3-4 months should be allowed to devour as many grills in 5-10 minutes as they wish, 3-4 times a day.

Ensure that the small distance between your bearded dragon eyes reduces when you feed it at all ages to protect it from impactions.

Baby Bearded Dragon – Greens & Vegetables

Bearded baby dragons still require greens and vegetables, not almost as much as old bearded, in their diet. The goal is to cut the diet of your baby to around 80% feed and 20% veggies. Make sure that if your bearded dragon does not consume its food within 35 minutes, remove it.

Adult Bearded Dragon Feeding Program 

Split the meal into two parts and feed it to the bearded dragon adult in the morning and at night. But do not worry if it is not doable because of your schedule! You can provide him one great meal each day.

We propose feeding adults half their diet in the morning and then half in the evening. If this is not possible for you or there is too much discomfort, you may feed them every day. In this case, I advise you to take your salad out a bit slowly because you will have to wait 24 hours to obtain more food.

Feeding Program for Baby Bearded Dragon

For 4-5 times a day, give as many crickets to newborns (0-2 months) as they can ingest in 10 minutes. Between 30 and 60 crickets should be consumed, give or take, by your infant a day. For babies, 3-4 months, feed three to four times per day and let them drink as much as they like.

Once your bearded dragon is 4 Months old, lower the feed rate to simply three times a day. However, throughout 10 minutes, you will always want to allow them to consume as many bugs as possible. You will want to go on until around 8 or 9 months to feed your dragon twice a day. At this age, though, bearded dragons should be fed additional protein and let grow over the following 7–10 months.

You may also change the diet to a staple quantity of feeds each day when you find that your bearded dragon slows growing. Add also extra greens that you may offer them as often as they eat again.


A healthy bearded dragon diet will keep your Bearded dragon healthy and energetic. It considers what food they can eat and takes into account the corresponding food type ratio. Eventually, at first, it may appear complex when feeding your bearded, but you will rapidly come up with rhythms. We hope that the “What Can Bearded Dragons Eat? Daily list” article helped you and made things easier for you.

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