crested gecko baby

Crested Gecko baby or Geckos, in general, got their name from the fringed crest that starts above their eyes and runs across their necks and backs. They have custom toe pads that allow them to move along vertical surfaces effortlessly, and their retractable tails add to their agility. Crested Geckos are one of the most tamable pet lizards that you could have! If you are interested, then you might want to check this up for Kits, products, and much more.

In this article, we will see some interesting information about Crested Geckos, including the following;

Crested Gecko Baby

After 2-3 months, a crested gecko baby comes to this world breathing its first breaths, proceeding its first steps, and looking for something to eat (Until you become its owner). A baby gecko is quite little, measuring only 2.5 to 3 inches in length and weighing about 2 g. Size and weight will vary depending on genetic factors and incubation temperature.

Crested Geckos

Crested geckos are great reptiles for beginners. Their playful personality makes them very popular pets. Besides, they need little care. Further, they have very tiny feet, which makes them a small breed of reptiles. Also, they are very cute and are excellent players. Crested geckos are crepuscular and nocturnal, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. The Crested Gecko is a reptile that you might want to acquire and raise if you are a beginner.


They tend to be docile and can be tamed with ease. Usually, crested geckos have a docile temperament. Also, they are a bit unpredictable, so they should always be handled with caution. Crested geckos may drop their tail if supervised roughly or when trying to get away. They will only bite if they feel threatened. Moreover, keep in mind that crested geckos compress easily; they will not enjoy frequent handling. However, if a gecko catches fire, it is time to bring it back.


Crested geckos usually follow a diet of insects, cockroaches, worms, insects, waxworms, and silkworms. Avoid feeding mealworms to them as they have a hard and indigestible exoskeleton. Besides, the insects that you feed should be slightly smaller than the space between the eyes of the gecko, and they must be gut-loaded or fed with nutritious food before being fed to the lizard. For diversity and to allow the gecko to exercise its hunting instincts, feed as many prey insects as possible at one time as the gecko eagerly eats.

Crested geckos will eat fruit several times a week; Favorites include bananas, peaches, nectarines, apricots, papaya, mangoes, pears, and passion fruit. Meanwhile, try to pressure them. For Crested Gecko babies, in the first few days, your crested gecko baby would probably not eat. However, after the initial shedding, it will normally eat within 2 to 3 days of hatching. You should put food in a bottle 24 to 48 hours after hatching to make sure your crested gecko has food.

Since crested geckos are omnivores, they can feed on animals and vegetables. Although a crested gecko baby can feed on a self-made fruit diet, it is best to keep on using commercial products such as powder substitution.

A Gecko baby can eat tiny crickets between 1/2 and 1⁄4 inch depending on the size of the gecko crested baby. Calcium and D3 powder should be injected and potted in the intestines. A crested gecko baby will eat two crickets per day, but it is not always recommended for commercial use.


Because Crested geckos are active and woody, they need a lot of vertical space. We recommended the branches for climbing and hiding, such as driftwood, cork bark, bamboo, and vines at various heights and directions. Besides, you can add a variety of silk or sustenance living plants like Pothos, Philodendron, Dracaena, and Ficus; because they will hide in plants for cover.

For adult crested geckos, a 24″ long x 24″ wide x 36″ high container with 80 gallons would be great; a tall terrarium tub would be better. For a baby crested gecko, you have to house it in small containers (up to 10 grams), but not terrariums. And when they have 25 grams, keep it in a small terrarium between 7 and 10 gallons. You’re going to need these little enclosures for Hatchlings because they often have difficulty finding food in a larger cage.

They just require a small area with a couple of plants or branches and do not need a complete climbing method. A Crested gecko baby would find it difficult to adapt to a larger terrarium because it’s not accustomed to the terrarium scale. Eventually, you will attempt to move the crested gecko to a larger terrarium while it grows.

Terrarium plants and branches

Plants and branches are useful for hiding, walking, and exploring the enclosure. Terrarium plants are beneficial for increasing moisture and giving the cage a natural look. Build hiding places with one or two branches of small fake plants or wines. You should proceed with the maintenance of living terrarium plants while you are housing your older youthful gecko in a terrarium.

Water and humidity

Crested gecko baby requires water but normally drinks water droplets after misting. You can also use a water dish (The bowl should hold only a small volume of water to prevent your crested gecko from accidentally drowning).

Crested geckos are moisture-resistant, and they require a reasonably humid atmosphere from medium to high moisture levels. Aim for 60 percent during the day and 80 percent at night. Also, have a hygrometer to watch moisture levels daily. Besides, you can supply moisture by sprinkling daily with warm filtered water.

Crested geckos get water from their food and water droplets from the leaves. Also, it is necessary to have a small and clean bowl of water; regardless of whether there is a waterfall system or a tiny water pot. Provide a small plate of shallow water with fresh water daily, even though they prefer drinking drops of water from leaves in the wet habitat.

Handling a Crested Gecko Baby 

For beginners, a crested gecko baby is very easy to handle. However, crested geckos are a bit shy, so it is not recommended to touch them all the time. And they may jump down your hands onto the floor causing danger for them. It is recommended that you shouldn’t touch a crested gecko baby until it is six months or older. Also, don’t pick it by his tail while handling a crested gecko baby. This can lead to depression.


Crested geckos need daily cleaning; Make sure to remove all uneaten food; Clean spot to remove feces. 

Also, wash the entire cage, including decorations, at least once a month using reptile-safe disinfectants. Besides, you should be cleaning spots daily. Look around the enclosure and clean up any poop if present. Moreover, you should replace the whole soil along with substrate once every 1–2 months whenever you do a cage cleaning.


Crested geckos get stressed at higher temperatures. Therefore, they prefer a daytime gradient of 22 C to 26.5 C, while an 18 C to 24 C at night. If your Crested gecko becomes cold at night, consider getting a low-wattage red nighttime bulb that would make a good heat source on a thermostat to ensure it doesn’t get too hot or too cold.

By then, you will observe that your lizard is most active at night; You should have a reliable, easy-to-read thermometer and hygrometer in your cage.

Breeding for Crested Gecko Baby

Males will start breeding at the age of nine months and females can start breeding at the age of twelve months. However, waiting fourteen months until females’ breeding is strongly recommended. Females should have their tails at a minimum of 35 grams before they breed. If the female is 45 grams in weight, the first breeding season would prove to be much more productive, so I suggest having patience and wait until the female is 45 grams in weight.

Critical groups can consist of one male and up to four or even five females. Males held together, particularly in the presence of a female, sometimes fight violently.

Maintain temperatures between 75 and 79 throughout the day, and drop to 5 degrees at night. Check the breeding female’s calcium sacks once a month to make certain that they are not drained. The female should use an egg-laying tub to dig in and deposit their eggs in the cage. The jar should be wide enough for the female to dig at least 3-4 inches. A 50-50 combination of moisture Peat Moss and Vermiculite is recommended in the egg layer medium. A cork bark works well in disguising the jar and making the females lay their eggs secure.

Every morning during breeding, you can search for eggs and extract the eggs quickly so that they do not dry up. Every 25-35 days, females will lay fresh eggs. The eggs should be sealed in a 2″ airtight container of mildly hydrated perlite or vermiculite. You should bag a few minor holes in your incubation jar or open the deck for ventilation once or twice a week. Hold the eggs at 72°, and in between 65-90 days they have hatched. The crested gecko baby eggs will hatch at a variety of temperatures, usually ranging from 69 to 80 degrees.

Substrate for Crested Gecko Baby

Put your Crested gecko on a towel only, so you can keep track of waste and deter it from consuming something it is not supposed to consume. Once the crested gecko baby is older, it is possible to retain many different substrates.

Paper towels should be suitable and used for a newborn crested gecko baby. Ecological soil is also an acceptable substratum for a more naturalistic structure or enclosures where you choose to grow live plants. You can find it quickly, and it does not have to be changed too much.

If you spruced up the substrate, you should include the eco soil surface, moss, and leaf litter. This would therefore prevent ingestion of tiny particles by the geckos. Be careful of the felt-looking and carpet-looking tapestries because you can hold the clutches of your gecko and tear them to harm them. They are therefore difficult to disinfect and maintain sanitary facilities.

Tiles are also an appropriate choice since they have a low price, are clean, and have a sleek surface that eliminates any risk.

Don’t worry too much about what you pick, just go with the easiest things for you that suit the overall appearance that you are looking for. The crest geckos spend most of their time above the ground. Also, be careful to avoid substrates, such as sand, wood chips, bark, small dirt, etc. which may be harmful to your gecko.

Eyelash Crested Gecko Baby Facts

Did You Know That;

The Crested gecko’s common names are New Caledonian crested gecko, eyelash gecko, and the scientific name is Rhacodactylus Ciliatus. 

Their size ranges between 7 to 9 inches, including their tails. Also, their lifespan expands from 10 to 20 years. Because of its ridges along the top, crested geckos are well-known as the “eyelash” geckos. It will catch on vines and branches by a prehensile tail.

They always look unique because of their colorful shapes and distinctive design. They have no eyelashes, but when they are laughing, they moisturize their eyes.

The lambs on the toe pads have small rows of hair that catch the imperfections and hold them up on board. This encourages them to scale vertical surfaces smoothly. Crested geckos have even lamellae pads on the tail. This helps them to jump from one branch to another. Some geckos are known to be highly vocal, bark, or squeak. Your Crested Baby won’t fall in love with you as you did!

The Crested Gecko female will lay eggs without any sexual relationship with males!

See also

To sum-up

Crested Geckos are good pets for people who enjoy caring for a live lizard and watching it thrive. Especially when you raise a Crested Gecko baby, you will really love it because you will watch it grow with you all the time. You will be able to take care of it and feed it as if it is your real child! Have some fun moments with it! 

Also, they are very manageable to keep. Besides, keep in mind that geckos require daily maintenance; however, their preservation is simple and easy. We prompted you to choose between the best Gecko shops! You can see for yourself many outstanding Geckos! So, what are you waiting for, check out HERE or choose several other mind-blowing geckos HERE!