The reason why Nutella is evil and solution

Is Nutella evil?

YES, Nutella is evil.


Allow me to tell you the reason.

Let’s talk about Palm Oil. Your chocolate might contain palm oil!

What does this mean?

We are going to know the main problem about why Nutella is evil and how deep the problem is along with solutions.

The Main Problems (Nutella is evil)

Palm oil has two types; crude palm oil and palm kernel oil.

Palm oil was of African origin. Workers imported it to Southeast Asia as an ornamental tree crop more than 100 years ago. Indonesia and Malaysia are producing for more than 85% of worldwide. However, 42 countries now process palm oil.

Palm oil exists in up to 50 percent of the imported goods we buy in stores. You might eat it already or used it. We can find Palm oil in many products, including chocolate bar, pizza, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, and lipstick.

Palm oil has many properties and uses in many products, and almost everyone bought it. This issue causes many threats.

Deforestation of the world’s biodiverse forests contributed to the destruction of the habitat of endangered species such as orangutans, pygmy elephants, and Sumatran rhinos.

This destruction of forests, coupled with the transformation of the carbon-rich tourbillon, is dumping millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and is leading to climate change. Large administrations continue to use workers and child labor. to be solved in the palm oil industry.

A study discovered that Indonesia lost over 23,000 square miles of forest between 2000 and 2012 year.

Experts and researchers found that 100,000 orangutans population dropped down in 1999.

Not to mention the global climate, cut down the palm oil trees and burn them caused a dramatic fire. The carbon dioxide.

I have no notion and no idea about who you are. I can’t stand, however, to gaze at animals such as orangutans. Combat the devastation that evil people cause to their homes.

Nutella is evil! A serious matter!

However, the orangutan could not help each other. We found ourselves trapped under a corrupt administration.

  • palm oil of Nutella

You know you should pass a bill to prohibit it. But when we are living in a country, wealth matters more than life. Let’s say to other people, money is everything, whether murder or ruin.

I wish I know what is the right thing to do. I hope I had the strength to prevent deforestation from eliminating such animals.

It will be just a slap on the face most of the time and then several days in jail. No one pays for palm oil, however.

It isn’t important because it just animal life. I’m not a scientist to know that we want animals in the world if we love or hate them.

Orangutans have an important aspect in maintaining the environment in its current shape and have the right to live in their home to eat and breathe as well.

Nutella is evil.

We people, I believe we are sure bad. Yet I found out the government’s finger of guilt for doing nothing about it.

No, be strong for palm oil on this topic. If it is not making them any money, then it not important.

Vast tracts of rainforests in Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa burn every day to make room for more farms. As a result, Indonesia, the world’s largest producer of palm oil, has overtaken the United States in terms of gas. It is global warming. Emissions for 2015.

Palm oil trees have been chopped up and burned, the climate will suffer. Also, extinction threatens endangered species such as the orangutan, Burney elephant, and Sumatran tiger.

It threatened the small farmers and indigenous people who inhabited the forest. Their lands. There are more than 700 land disputes related to the palm oil industry in Indonesia. Human rights violations are widespread, even on “sustainable” and “green” farms.

We are not aware of these wider problems, and our regular use of palm oil impacts our health. Refined palm oil contains a significant number of dangerous fatty acid esters that weaken DNA and cause cancer.


You should do a lot of things as a workaround.

As of December 2014, labeling laws in the EU mandate food goods to show that they contain palm oil; however, a wide variety of chemical names will also be used for non-food items such as cosmetics and cleaning products. However, a quick scan of your preferred search engine will reveal alternatives with no palm oil.

Contact the stores for palm oil-free items. Write to the suppliers of the goods and inquire if they are not.

Corporations may be vulnerable to obstacles that give their goods a bad name, but sales advisers and vendors can make a real difference. Any producers have already been forced to an end to the use of palm oil and public interest.

They applied pressure on the political leaders who handled imports of biofuels and palm oil.

Have you signed all your demands for Rainforest Rescue? The protests and creative street advocacy are raising consciousness among the public and media of the rising burden on policy makers.

Whenever you can bike, drive or mass transport. Big corporations and lawmakers want us to believe that biofuels can be healthy and that oil palm plantations can be sustainable.

Share the word and share this knowledge with your family and friends and inspire them to rethink their eating habits.

Let’s come back to Nutella!

Take a deep look at why Nutella is evil.

Let us look at the ingredients in Nutella: There are only seven ingredients in the hazelnut extract, all of which are popular, allowing consumers to feel confident they are making a safe and balanced decision by eliminating the various chemicals and additives found in snacks.

Nutella & palm oil

Sugar is the first ingredient in Nutella. The second is palm oil, followed by hazelnuts, chocolate, milk, lecithin (soy), and vanilla.

Palm oil is the most distinguishing ingredient in this list. In order of quantity, they list the ingredients on the labels as the second ingredient of Nutella, palm oil is a major part of the formula for the spread of hazelnuts.

They extract palm oil from a palm oil plant that grows on an African oil tree. It is popular as a food ingredient because of its natural properties and flexibility: it has a neutral odor and taste, is firmer at room temperature, and gives products a creamy, smooth texture.

They harvest palm fruit for palm oil production in Jukwa Village, Ghana.

For pastry products like Nutella, this is important, since the use of palm oil avoids the use of a hydrogenation process containing unhealthy, trans fats in products. Palm oil is also the most output oil with a yield per ha of about 3.7 tons (or 2.5 acres) and a smaller yield of soybean, sunflower, or rapeseed oil. The 3.7 tons are about 7,400 lbs, with Toyota Prius 4-door hatchbacks twin and a half.

All this means that in modern consumers, palm oil is a secret but significant portion. The Rainforest Action Network has reported that in half of our foodstuffs, we find palm oil. We can use it in foods from ice cream to pasta and donuts to potato chips.

I would recommend you to keep reading (Nutella is evil)

We do not use palm oil for food alone, of course. We also use lipstick and soaps in various beauty products.

Ferrero’s use of palm oil in products continues to drive the palm oil farmer’s market. In 2015, the French environment minister announced that if we protect the rainforests, people should stop eating Nutella.

The Ferrero Group answered that about 170,000 tons of palm tree oil were produced last year, representing only 0.3% of the world’s 60 million tons of palm tree oil supply (Casey). Because of such broad scrutiny, Ferrero Group has taken steps in many respects to ensure that it behaves sustainably and responsibly with its consumers.

In 2005, Gruppe Ferrero joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil 2005 (RSPO). Oil: In 2013, all Nutella products had 100% RSPO-certified palm oil separate from their plantation and processing line, according to the Ferrero company.

The corporation Ferrero has introduced a 10-point Palm Oil Charter for the use of palm oil in Nutella in 2013, which gives its consumers more commitment to non-deforestation, habitat loss, greenhouse emissions, and human rights.

Ferrero Group worked with NGOs, including the Forest Trust, to track and announce the success of the organization every six months to enforce and stay open about the charter process.

In 2015, the Ferrero Company joined the Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) based on the initial agreements and standards of RSPO. The Ferrero Party leads not only to these poly center efforts but also to greater openness.

(Nutella is evil)

The website of Nutella offers valuable information on palm oils: what it is, how palm oils are extracted, and the company’s environmental claims.

information about palm oil

There are also main numbers on the platform. The company says that the plantations and lands where its palm oil comes from are 99.5% traceable. This statistic is more plausible than the 2013 assertion to know from which 100% of palm oil belongs to the Ferrero Party.

The countries producing palm oil are also ranked: the Malay Peninsula produces 75.87% of the total volume; Papua New Guinea produces 18.17%; the Malaysian island produces 3.67%; Brazil produces 1.2%; Indonesia produces 1.91%; Guatemala produces 0.1% and the Solomon Islands 0.08%.

The Ferrero Group also launched the Fer Way initiative, which should build a corporate circular economy model in 2014.

Ferrero Group strives to make the business appear at least environmentally competitive and socially responsible.

The French Environment Minister asked customers to boycott Nutella products, Greenpeace was in defense of the brand.

But in this case, there is no simple solution. In the palm’s competitiveness oil company, which the Ferrero Group appears to be leading, changes are necessary.

Groups can organize round tables, but the solutions are not flawless. Groups like RSPO include several players and, as we must decide all rules, they set out actual qualification requirements to keep all players on board. like Ferrero, they have the potential to change the status quo of palm oil.

No Answer. (Nutella is evil)

Where is the customer heading from here, then? No answer is an ideal or simple response. But in today’s era, customers have substantial control. Not only is it technically difficult to fully avoid palm oil, but also may be seen as wasteful, as so many people are relying on the industry for their profits.

Perhaps it will be best to know how many palm oil items are found to try if possible, to limit their use. If palm oil goods are purchased, make sure the products are processed by a corporation with a sustainable membership as a member of RSPO or a related roundtable.

The bottom of the line

Overall, I would recommend not to take Nutella, not only because of its negative effects on your body (everyone is responsible for its body) but have a thorough look (including animals, humanity, and climate) By stopping or limiting eating or using palm oil products you will do great work not only for yourself but for everyone and everything!  

This is why Nutella is evil. Because we use it a lot, producers cut down palm oil trees and burn them later which will cause climate problems. Also, by cutting trees we will contribute to destroying orangutan homelands. Nutella is a cheap sweetener. While the orangutan loses its mother, leaves the child as a pet, the animal is subjected to abuse. While people buy the product, they cannot overcome the fact that the animal is in great danger. Besides, reducing Nutella would be great for your health and your children.

Think twice before buying or taking palm oil products and don’t forget that Nutella is evil. After all your decision between your hand. Say no to deforestation.