The monitor lizard has a large body and sturdy legs. They are distinguished by a forked tongue; a powerful jaw,monitor lizard as pets and sharp teeth, a long neck, along a powerful body.  Most monitor species have a long tail and strong claws on their feet. Also, they are monitoring; by using their hind legs to detect any possible predators, to ensure their safety.

The monitor lizard is an excellent swimmer. Essentially, monitor lizard as pets are communicating with each other through body positions, scents, and sounds signals; Even though they are incredible animals with whom you can make very entertaining pets, but they require a large enclosure. They are dieting on eggs, fish, birds, and tiny mammals; however, some species are feeding on fruits.

Despite various kinds of stray and savage monitor lizards, there are some monitors perfectly safe to keep as pets.

In this article, we will focus on a pet monitor lizard; that can tame as a pet.

These what you are going to discover with us

  • Monitor lizard pet species.
  • Advantages & Disadvantages.
  • How to tame up with your monitor lizard.

Types of pet Monitor lizard

Lizards are quite fascinating; they are deemed intelligent among all lizards. They can make great as pets, and as long as you have; the necessary finances and management for their foods, raising, caring, also, consider a suitable cage that you can purchase and have a custom fit.

They are truly outstanding and funny to observe while you are sitting in your chair; inside their house. Also, their raising requires; a quite large Terrarium, and high temperatures, and good quality UVB.

Blue-Tailed Monitor lizard

Blue tails are great Monitors. Because they are shy and slow to adapt to people; hence, they are nervous and may take a while to calm down. It makes sense that they require a cage with several hiding places and lots of climbable stuff. Also, they feed on fish, mice, crickets, beef, and boiled eggs.

Ridge-Tailed Monitor lizard

Ackies are very good tame. They adapt appropriately; to their captive. And because they are very active and curious, Ackies need a large terrarium. Also, higher temperatures are essential to keep them healthy as well. Besides, they are dieting on insects like crickets, wax worms, mealworms, and crickets.

Savanna Monitor lizard

Savannah Monitors are easy to be tamed; they can grow quite large and require a large place. Also, they are robust and have relatively simple care requirements. Besides, they eat insects include slugs, crickets, millipedes, beetles, large roach, mice, and small rats.

Tree Monitor lizard

Tree monitor lizard as pets are very active; They spend a lot of time in the trees. So, it requires a spacious vivarium with a designed surface area for height and climbing. It feeds on crickets, mealworms, crickets, mice, quail, insects, and cathodes.

Timor Monitor lizard

They look beautiful and colorful, and their small size makes them an attractive choice for pet lovers; also, they need a simple enclosure with a heating and lighting system, space for climbing, hiding places, and a medium-sized bowl of water. Additionally, they can eat crickets, grasshoppers, mealworms, wax worms, and Wax Worms. 

Asian water Monitor lizard

Asian water monitor lizard as pets are very easy-going, gentle, very active, curious, have an adorable, friendly personality, and are one of the most agile pets you can own. Due to its size, water monitors require a spacious, well-constructed terrarium. Besides, the enclosure should also have a water container with climbing branches, higher temperatures, and a warmer basking spot.  Further, they feed on fish, frogs, small mammals, insects, mollusks, fish, chicken parts, and ground turkey.

Mangrove Monitor lizard

Mangrove monitors can easily be a pet, and they are shy. However, they will not hesitate to scratch or even bite if they feel uncomfortable, so it is important to be careful when handling them. Besides, it is necessary to have various shelters and hideaways in your captive. Mangrove Monitors can eat mealworms, crickets, eggs, and hoppers, as for adults consume mice, small rats, chicks, and different seafood. Also, fresh-water should be available all the time.

Monitor lizard Pros & Cons


  • Monitor Lizards are beautiful, surprisingly intelligent, and very impressive.
  • Their fascinating attitude will drove you to fall in love with them.
  • They have the potential to bond with you.
  • Lizards can interact with you.
  • Very active and phenomenal.
  • Very friendly and very tame.
  • They are awesome animals.
  • They make fantastic pets.


  • Lizards require a profound substrate, a long and spacious enclosure, and quite deep.
  • A big vivarium means enormous electricity bills to keep it heated.
  • Spending a lot of money; is needed for daily nutrition.
  • Small ones also need a lot of space to move around.
  • And they have the potential to mess you up.
  • They need very hot and UVB lighting.
  • Big monitors require a large cage.

Some friendly instructions on how to tame up your Monitor Lizard.

Even if your monitor lizard is shy or a bit aggressive; it will start to trust you sooner; if you did these things:

Honestly, to be friendly with your monitor lizard and make it habituate you;

Make sure that it will be seeing you all the time; while you are moving around its house. Also, call your monitor lizard each time you intend to feed it; and put that food next to it; so it can see you. Further, change the water and clean the enclosure.

Obviously, the point is to stay as much as you can near your monitor lizard. Keep yourself busy in its sight; by doing your homework, reading a book, or using your phone, watching tv, working on your laptop, etc.

Finally, your monitor lizard will get used to you, and it will start staying out; rather than hiding when you are around.

To sum-up

In general, monitor Lizards are large and very active; Also, they need a spacious cage, even the smallest ones. Besides, they require a lot of feeding daily.

Fundamentally, there are some types of enclosures; such as Terrarium and Vivarium, and each has advantages and disadvantages; Generally, each lizard requires a specific one with its characteristics; Some need a swim basin, some need high temperatures, others prefer hiding places; some likes climbing sets, and others desire with sands, and some need basking spots.